Friday, January 25, 2013

Bucks lose 20 point lead to the Cavs, much the opposite way they built it: Missing shots. They're a good team with many solid players, but when they don't hit jumpers, they just don't have the ability to work inside.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The answer, Mrs. Clinton, is it makes ALL the difference... 4 Americans were killed, the administration claimed it was due to a YouTube video & arrested the filmmaker, then for two weeks this line was thrown around before being changed, then ignored. Help asked for, none given, none even remotely offered.

The absence of answers should be damning for a president who promised to be "the most transparent" ever... that is, unless, the media is simply a shill for the con man aimlessly shuffling the shells around on the street corner.
The Bucks go without an All-Star representative again, though Brandon Jennings was certainly deserving. To add to the lack of Bucks knowledge, or awareness even, Larry Sanders is receiving ZERO consideration for Most Improved. I am by no means a basketball aficianado, but I can tell when a dude elevates his game. Side by side, there is no one in the NBA affecting games with a newfound talent level than the long arm of Larry.
The non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau released estimates today that [show] that our surplus is up to $419.7 million.--Governor Walker

I fail to see how anyone could argue with a $3B deficit being turned into almost a half-billion surplus... but then again, I must hate kids since it's all about them, right? We should ALL thank our lucky stars there is strong leadership in WI, as the states surrounding us are floundering in fiscal irresponsibility.

I always hear about everyone paying "their fair share"... well, that's what is happening. No longer can the cadillac benefits be strapped solely to the backs of the taxpayer. If I have to save for all my retirement AND part of yours, you can shoulder some of the burden too.

EDIT: Ann can be pretty funny

Wow. Just Wow. I don't get how these people can be the voice of information read by millions when they clearly are disconnected from right & wrong. This fool should be, at the very least, suspended.

Honestly, fella, a couple degrees above zero when you can comfortably stay inside your four walls isn't a tragedy of historical proportions... it's a couple days of sub-freezing temps. That's all. Assbag.
I STILL don't know what the guy stands for other than "gimme more cuz the lazy need to stay lazy"