Friday, February 12, 2010

It's been a while since my last post so I thought I'd welcome myself back with a rant: Can we just end this Survivor b.s.? A bunch of self-important (how's that for irony from a blogger?) ying-yangs, who under the auspices of playing a "game", get to invade the airwaves for no other reason than a sadomasochistic need to crap next to trees.

But if I need to keep seeing these people, can we at least make it "Survivor"? Drop these jagoffs on an island and the last one alive wins. Anything goes, fend for yourself, watch out for the scorpions. A tip of the hat to Carlin here... put the damn thing on PPV. Huge numbers. Watching the human species thin it's herd the right way, by natural selection? Now I'm hooked.

For chrissakes, Probst thinks he's someone important now. I can't wait for one of these fools to get a rare, untreatable tropic disease that painfully forces their anus's inside out.

Playing a game... Scrabble is a game, Monopoly is a game, Cribbage is a game. You, my unbrushed, hygienically-challenged friends are just sad.