Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pretty much just to vent, but here goes:

Affect & Effect are different... learn them America
Their, There, & They're are different... learn those too, America
"Definitely" has no "a"
"Separate" has no second "e"
The proper term is "STAMPING grounds", not "STOMPING grounds"
Also, it's "CHAMPING at the bit", not "CHOMPING at the bit"

And to anyone who says that popular usage has changed the meanings... F@#$ you, popular usage is lazy & moronic. Use the language the way it was meant to be used. When you don't, you sound like an idiot.

I will now step off my soapbox...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Coolest album cover ever, considering the scope & sound of the band. What are your fave classic covers?