Monday, December 19, 2011

This is your VP, people... I'll remember that when the next 3000 people are jumping to their deaths from a fiery hell. Biden is as close to a caricature as there is in real life.
I would've thought the MLB Player's Chief would be a tad more upset that one of his stars was dragged through the creatine mud of public opinion unneccesarily...
I'm trying to figure out when exactly being a fiscally responsible politician became akin to eating babies & genocide... isn't that what we want our elected officials to do with our hard-earned money?

We should be thanking governors like Scott Walker & Chris Christie and upholing them as an example of what elections are supposed to be: putting persons of good faith into positions as the voices of the people.

You wanna recall someone, recall yourselves for stealing from the taxpayers for years without conscience & repurcussions.

TMZ Report on Braun's Test

It HAS to be one of the signs of Armageddon when TMZ is upheld as the responsible news source.

This is why there are rules against monopolies... with no other 24-hour sports source, ESPN can do & say whatever they want. And, even more heinous, STILL have not updated or corrected their original PED story (that I can find. I am not, however, a subscriber to their overpriced Insider, which I'm sure is reserved for brilliant journalism & spot-on reporting).

Simply embarrasing & irresponsible.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

"Where would we be without a guy like Petak? Here was a guy who cared more about doing the right thing than being re-elected. He lost his seat, but if he hadn't taken that vote, we wouldn't have the Brewers here. And Milwaukee would be a significantly diminished town. We do have a lot of challenges. There's no denying that. We have significant economic challenges within the city. We've got public infrastructure needs. We've got libraries that need to be funded.
"The way to continue to do that and grow as a community is to invest in our entertainment, cultural and sports assets. That's what attracts business to come and expand here. It makes it a great place to live and work." - Mike Marotta, Bradley Center Chairman

Those opposed to such public spending do not realize the money this puts back into the community. Think about this for a second: for a mere 1/10th of one cent, jobs are created, shopping districts thrive, eateries spring up... it's beautiful, sexy capitalism, people.