Monday, September 20, 2010

I've never wished to be shorter more than I do now...

Melvin on Gomez

First of all, thank goodness I wasn't playing the Doug Melvin "and that" drinking game tonight. I swear he hit 20 during that half inning.

Second, this is the third mention I've heard from Doug in the last week how Gomez was rushed to the majors and missed out on some needed development. Like I posted earlier, Carlos has taken what the braintrust is selling and, pun intended, run with it. His line drive rate has seemingly sky-rocketed lately.

Even the casuals that call for getting rid of him have to salivate at what 162 games of that speed can provide the Brewer's offense.
Wow... I don't think I can even blink in the time it takes Gomez to go 1st to 3rd.

If he can get on at a .350 clip, he's worth as much as Braun when you add in his defense.