Monday, December 14, 2009

Tiger Thoughts

Ok, so I've been non-existent on this since the beginning, so here goes. He's a golfer. He didn't free the slaves, he didn't cure cancer, he didn't discover how to split the atom... he's a golfer. Holding him to a higher standard is ludicrous.

On the other hand, he was unfaithful to his wife and children. But he doesn't owe anyone an explanation, other than his family. The ridiculous notion that he needs to come out and show remorse or tell his story is simply for the benefit of our country's insatiable appetite for gossip.

Are his actions deplorable? Absolutely. Were they selfish? Adultery always is. But thinking we deserve some act of contrition or explanation is wrong. He can answer to his God and his wife (and not necessarily in that order).

I watch golf to see Tiger win. Nothing more, nothing less. I certainly don't look to him for guidance or spiritual leadership. Charles Barkley was vilified for saying "I'm not a role model"... well, he's not. Your parents are, your teachers are, you are.

Patterning your life after someone who can make an inch and a half white ball curve around a tree from 250 yards is a slippery slope. You can be inspired by them and their feats, but that's all.

I'm sad that someone I admired for his ability, dedication, and drive could fall victim to such a cliched episode. I hope the Woods' family can come out the other side of this stronger, and that Tiger comes out of it a better man.

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